Tag: rugby

Sport Vs Hair

Rugby player Simi Pam was left with no choice but to cut off her hair. In Simi’s own words she raises the important issue that Black women face, and how their hair will often deter them from playing sport

By Simi Pam

Rugby's New Era

When was the last time you piled into a packed bar to find women's sport being shown on the TV? We detail the highs of our Red Roses watch party and the positive changes for the next generation of young female players and spectators

By Liz Connor

Game Changers

Women's football may be driving all the media attention and social buzz, but women's rugby is poised to become the next catalyst for change. Glorious spoke to the women who are working behind the scenes in rugby to find out how and why women’s rugby is set to spark the next women’s sport revolution

By Jenny Mitton

The Bulldozer

Just how do you bring up three babies and play rugby at the highest level? In her own words, Zainab Alema aka The Bulldozer details her balancing act

By Zainab Alema

Pitching In

“I needed a sport like rugby, where I could be physical and confrontational and big and that would be cool.” We talk to the athlete and entrepreneur about why contact makes sense to her and why she will always fight back

By Glorious

Year In Review

It's Christmas and team Glorious want to celebrate the amazing sporting stories over the past year. Editor Alison Root shares some Glorious highlights that truly showcase the breadth and popularity of women's sport

By Alison Root

Sport Vs Hair

Rugby player Simi Pam was left with no choice but to cut off her hair. In Simi’s own words she raises the important issue that Black women face, and how their hair will often deter them from playing sport

By Simi Pam


When she’s not bringing the firepower with Harlequins or Scotland Rugby, Jade Konkel is fighting the blaze with the London Fire Brigade – and she wouldn’t change it for the world

By Eleanor Lee

Nice Try!

The game may have some tough moments but that’s of no concern to the droves of women signing up to play rugby. We talk to a team in Bristol that is leading the way, to find out what’s behind its popularity

By Liz Connor

Gender Play Gap

Women’s rugby gets serious as the big brands move in. Four players talk sponsorship, social media and getting set up for life

By Stella Mills