Tag: ultrarunning

Solo Speed

Prior to 2023, Tamra Green hadn’t run or hiked more than ten miles, so how on earth did she manage 340 miles solo across the US just one year later, becoming the first Black American woman to complete The Speed Project Solo Mission?

By Tracey Mammolito

Jasmin Paris

Jasmin Paris has entered the history books as the first woman to conquer the Barkley Marathon. Join us as we unravel the mysteries surrounding this secretive and legendary ultramarathon.

By Claudine D

We Are All Protagonists

Fourteen women, an epic 550km relay run beginning in Santa Monica. We meet runner Tilly GW and photographer Ashley Stewart to explore the necessity of sisterhood in overcoming mental and physical challenges, as they pushed through the demanding terrain of Death Valley desert to make it to the Las Vegas finish line

By Glorious

Life By The Horns

“We were very lucky to be gifted with the philosophy that everything is achievable.” Annika and Jessica Horn, daughters of renowned explorer Mike Horn, talk about how he shaped their mindset – and now they strive to empower women everywhere

By Daisy Woodward

Food Fitness Flora

Flora Beverley, aka Food Fitness Flora, knows the effects of a bad relationship with food, but those times are long gone, and she now channels her energy into helping others lead a healthier lifestyle, as well as training for her next ultramarathon

By Glorious