Saddle Up
A series on the rise of Black women in rodeo. Meet the American photographer who is showcasing an unseen side of Western culture
A series on the rise of Black women in rodeo. Meet the American photographer who is showcasing an unseen side of Western culture
A love of horsemanship and telling stories has morphed into a captivating career for videographer Emmie Sperandeo, who now travels the world to film life on a ranch
Norwegian contemporary artist and photographer Anja Niemi on the empowering effect of embodying a different version of ourselves
Born into a horse-mad family, Helen Cruden also inherited the gene. As a renowned showjumper and equine photographer, she chats to us about the symbiotic relationship and where she’s headed next
“I look at the photo I just took and think how can I make that better?” Going the extra mile is what drives Erin Gilmore to find the perfect shot. The equestrian sports photographer is behind some of the most striking images of eventing moments
Equestrian sport has traditionally been inaccessible for Black riders. Meet Lydia Heywood, who is determinedly setting out to change this