In Her Stride
GB international runner Mhairi Maclennan not only leads the field in races – with her fight to ban abusive coaches, she’s also setting the pace for change
GB international runner Mhairi Maclennan not only leads the field in races – with her fight to ban abusive coaches, she’s also setting the pace for change
Al Greenwood talks to professional cricketer Issy Wong about the new tournament The Hundred, the power of music to bring fans together, and the songs that are close to her heart
“I remember playing at Twickenham and the next day I was up on a pub roof putting a fire out.” Variety is the spice of life for rugby athlete Shaunagh Brown
“I’m really interested in how we can push ourselves athletically as humans.’’ Paralympian rower Lauren Rowles simply credits hard graft for her sublime success
“All I want to do is play the game.” England netball shooter Kadeen Corbin on flipping the narrative to inspire future generations
How a new programme from our charity partner The Women’s Sport Trust is giving athletes the confidence to make real change and drive our mission forward